1). Understand the structure and ownership of the media sector


There are a major media industry sector that includes film, radio, television, music, print, computer games, advertising & marketing, interactive, and press. The media sector is made up of different companies that are specializing in producing particular media products. For the film company are Sony, Paramount, Disney and MGM, and the television companies are BskyB, ITV and Carlton. Computer Games Company is Climax, Eurocom and Team17.There is many types of companies working in the media industries. They range from large public companies to independent producers. The one thing they have in common is that they produce media products for an audience.

The private ownership is media companies owned by one or more people, who can pretty much do what they want with the business. For example face book is a social network website. The company provides messaging services among its users.

The public ownership is media companies owned by shareholders and trades on the stock market (e.g BskyB). They are bound by governmental restrictions. These companies, while having a CEO, also have a board of directors who have the power to direct the company and fire the CEO if they see fit. If one wanted to, and had the funds, you could also buy a majority of the stock, and they end up a majority shareholder and take control of a company.

Cross-media is when more than one media area comes together, often in a business relationship for example, television and comics. Another example is New Corporation owned by Rupert Murdoch that has interests in other areas of media, television, film and the press.

Vertical companies can help to produce the materials needed for production. This provides a reliable workflow with increased profits for the company. Vertical integration describes a group of companies that are related through a hierarchy with a common owner, for example apple Inc it has apple design dept, manufacturing, distribution store selling computers and iPods and apple on-line digital music sales.  Apple is who design their computer hardware, operating systems and much of the software used in their products. They have also introduced new apple stores for retail sales and the apple iTunes on-line store. However horizontal integration is when a company expands a business into different products that are similar to the same outline, media companies own producers in one area such as Disney which owns companies mostly in the display sector with TV channels such as Disney Channel and ABC.

 Marketing & Advertising

  • Elite Advertising started in 2004 as the subsidiary of a marketing company. After rapid first year growth, EAC become a limited company in it's own right.
  • Networking and industry connections allowed EAC to grow, and we now boast a team of six specialists. Each member of the EAC team has  a different area of expertise, so we can offer your bussiness a highly affective consultancy service with the right specialists to fit your unique requirements.
  • RedEyed tree frogs marked themselves with bright vibrant colours and with their distinctive sound, and are probably the most well known amphiblan in the world. Their colours show that they are in peek condition and are a worthy adversay to pudential rivals.

Radio is part of the Media industry; it is made up of three broad categories: public funded radio, commercial radio and the community and voluntary radio sector. The radio industry has been successful and now employs over 22,000 people in recent years. Radio is a highly skilled and well qualified workforce; almost two thirds of the employees are graduates. The majority of the workforce is based in London, and is spread throughout the UK, South East, North west regions of England and in Scotland. The major development in the Media industry is that there are more radio stations than before, we have all types of radio stations now. Moreover, the equipments used in the radio industry has improved over the years.
However, there are two types of radio stations in the radio industry; commercial and private. Commercial radio stations are legal and have restrictions; they are often restricted by OFCOM who tell them what are and aren’t allowed to be played, e.g., songs with swear words, interviews with foul language are not to be played on these stations. Examples of commercial radio stations are Capital FM and Kiss 100. Commercial radio stations are usually heard by people of all ages, this includes teenagers and children; it is an advantage to have commercial stations which are legal and have restrictions, because it prevents people from hearing things they would not want to hear. Commercial radio stations are protected by Ofcom, which is the UK Independent regulator and is in charge of making sure the adverts/music played on the radio stations are safe enough to be played.
However, although pirate stations are illegal and promote songs with bad language, it also has an advantage because it promotes those who are not real singers; for example, South London Boys may want to promote a song to everyone, however, they are not real singers, therefore, their song will not be promoted. However, with pirate stations anyone’s songs will be heard. Therefore, pirate stations give people the opportunity to become famous without being in the media industry.

Commercial vs. Public Services:
In the Media industry, there is commercial and public broadcasting. The public service has the people’s interest at heart; it is informative and responsive to people’s needs because they respond to what the people ask; this means we request/ask what we want to know, e.g. questions regarding the elections/fashion/lifestyle/love etc. The public service is also available for everybody and is entertaining. Moreover, it does not import its programmes from foreign resources but is culturally in tune with its audience, producing most of the output itself. Besides, public services cannot look into doing deals with third parties to make extra revenues because that would not make them public. However, there are disadvantages too: It is expensive to run, it is difficult in paying for affording 24 hour, seven days a week output for every bodies needs, and it is difficult for the radio managers to make judgements about what can be provided at an acceptable price. Furthermore, Public services are funded by us, who pay a license fee.

Public radio stations are funded through the license fee which people in the UK pay; the license fee is typically protected by law and set by the government, and is required for any household which contains equipment which can be used to receive a TV signal. In contrast, Commercial radio stations are funded through advertising and Sponsorship. Advertising companies pay them to play their advert; these could be any product or service. However, this means that news broadcasts may not be entirely objective and opens the opportunity to be subjective in the types of news stories, the order of news stories and how much time is given to them.

The radio industry is protected by Ofcom which is the Uk's communication regulator; they regulate TV and Radio sectors, fixed line telecoms and mobiles, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate. They make sure that people in the UK get the best from their communication services and are protected from scams and sharp practices. Ofcom operates under the Communications Act 2003 which states that Ofcom’s general duties should be to further the interests of citizens and of consumers.

Radio funds/Fees:
Radio broadcasters can be broken into at least two different groups:
Public service broadcasters are funded in whole or in part through public money. This may be through money received directly from the government, or, as in the UK, through a license fee. The license fee is typically protected by law and set by the government, and is required for any household which contains equipment which can be

Photo Imaging

This photo imaging industry is a very exciting job. Its all about creating still or moving photos by recording radiation on a radiation-sensitive medium, such as a photographic film, or an electronis sensor. The photo imaging industry is made up of nearly 14,000 companies. Nearly half of them are sole trading or freelance photograpers. The major developments of this industry are the digetalisation of pfotograhy and softwhere to menepelat photographs. The production process of photo imaging is when you take an image then you edit it by photo impact or photo shot etc. This photo imaging industry is based all over the world but in the UK peticular its based everywhere. People that work in these types of industries are people that are graduated or have studied media before.
The photo imaging industry has a highly skilled and well qualified workforce, compared to the entire UK population of working age.
More than two fifths have a degree and over a fifth have a technical qualification, including a quarter of all photographers. The workforce is older than that of the audio visual industries as a whole, with an average age of 42. However this is similar to the age profile of the wider economy.
Women are underrepresented in all areas of the photo imaging industry, making up only a third of the overall workforce. Among photographers this figure is even lower, at 20%. Within other areas of the industry, this rises to just over 40%, but this is still less than the UK average for female employment.
The photo imaging industry has a relatively low proportion of people from minority ethnic groups, compared to both the local populations where the workforce is based and to the wider creative media industries. A higher than average proportion of the workforce consider themselves to be disabled, almost twice that of the economy as a whole.

Computer Games

The computer game industry, in the uk forms part of a industry that is gaining in importance and prominence. Sales of the most popular games are now breaking records for sales of entertainment products. In Europ there is a digital community called FMX. In the meetings, as convergence raises questions and challenges artists, specialists, scientists, producers will give presentations on thier latest project and meeting those challages. Computer games and entertainment business is a fast growing multy-billion dollar worldwide business, with games platforms ranging from playstation 3, xbox-baed, and massivley multiplayer online games (MMOG) involing tens of thousands of people.

With ongoing strong demand for graduate computer games probramers from the UK and abroad, this MSc will produce graduates who are well positioned to get a job in this exciting worldwide industry. Potential
employers incluse EA, UBIsoft, THGSony, Activision, microsoft and many other.